
Slivov smoothie s kefirjem

ENGLISH RECIPE: Slivov smoothie s kefirjem je super malica za tiste, ki se izogibajo mleku in jogurtom, saj zaradi fermentacije…

4 years ago

Plum smoothie with kefir

SLOVENIAN RECIPE: Plum smoothie with kefir is a great snack for those who avoid milk and yogurt, as it contains…

4 years ago

Warm protein banana-sunflower seed smoothie

SLOVENIAN RECIPE: Despite the fact that smoothies are usually cold, often even with frozen fruit, which gives them a distinctive…

4 years ago

Topel beljakovinski bananin smoothie z maslom iz sončničnih semen

Kljub temu da so smoothiji po navadi hladni, pogosto celo z zamrznjenim sadjem, ki jim daje svojstveno strukturo, sem si…

4 years ago